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Custom Size Dog Beds

Custom Size Dog Beds

Here at Rover Pet Products we understand that sometimes the standard sizing of our beds just wont work with the space you have. And there are so many reasons  people now choose to get a custom size dog bed!

Common Reasons To Get A Custom Size Dog Bed:

You might have a nook under your desk that would be a perfect spot for your dog to snooze, the answer? A custom size dog bed! That corner in your lounge room might be where you want your dog to sleep in the afternoon, the answer? You guessed it, a custom size dog bed! Even many crates these days vary so much, so if you want something to fit your dog's crate perfectly...the answer...yes you guessed it again! A custom size dog bed!

Lastly in this non-exhaustive list, just maybe, you have a huge doggo - let's think, a Great Dane, an Irish Wolfhound, a Cane Corso, maybe even two of them! You might just need a custom size dog bed for them! The largest we've done is 2m x 1.2m...that's huge!

Whatever reason you have, whether it's in our list or not, we can help you out!

Made Locally:

We are the only genuine manufacturer of dog beds left in Australia! Period. There are a huge number of companies that claim to manufacture here and for the most part they get away with it on a technicality.

Unfortunately even if the product is entirely made overseas, you can claim to manufacture in Australia if you put the internal part inside the cover...even when both are made in Asia. It's scandalous, it's wrong and it's entirely misleading to consumers, but, it's lawful. It's also why these companies don't show behind the scenes of their Australian workers sewing their products, nor why they can't custom size their products - but boy they'll still charge Australian Made rates!

If you follow our social media, whether that be Facebook or Instagram, you'll see we love to show behind the scenes of our factory, of our people making your products! It means we have total quality control!

We absolutely pride ourselves on being transparent, open and honest with our products and we know you'll appreciate this as well!

The Process:

The process for ordering a custom size dog bed is extremely simple! Simply send us a message to one of our social platforms linked above, or, send an email to bryan@roverpetproducts.com.au with the exact sizing you need! That is the length x width as well as the type of bed you're after!

We offer custom sizing in our main orthopedic dog bed ranges;

The TuffMat! - for indoor & outdoor use! It's waterproof & fully sealed

The PlushMat! - for use indoor only, has a removable & machine washable cover

The PlushMat! Plus - our three layered luxe memory foam indoor only bed, that has a heating & cooling side, along with a removable & machine washable cover


Custom size beds are a unique product with many moving parts. We design, manufacture and dispatch as quickly as we can but this process can take up to 4-6 weeks. Our standard turn around times do not apply to custom beds. We are the only company that makes custom size beds & demand is very strong.

Accessories we custom size:

The PlushRest - our 100% memory foam pillow attachment for our PlushMat! range.


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